How can I pay my Utility bill?
Please visit our web site www.solplaatje.org.za to find all the payment options including online, by phone and through electronic transfers. When making use of these service provider,
payment should be made at least four working days before the due date to enable the payment to be processed and to qualify for the incentive discount. Easy pay and pay@ numbers reflect on your monthly statements
How do I qualify for the incentive payment?
Incentive payment is an early payment discount of 10% on Rates, sewerage, refuse and water every time you pay your account in full on or before the due date indicated on your monthly billing statement.
Clearance certificate?
To affect the transfer of any property from one owner to another, the Registrar of Deeds requires a clearance certificate which is obtained by the attorneys at the Rates Department.
The clearance does not include any water consumption after the clearance request and owner will be liable for the final water consumption billing.
Change of ownership on property?
Termination form needs to be completed by the seller accompanied by the readings taken when property was handed over to new owner.
New owner needs to complete and sign a service agreement with Sol Plaatje, and the required deposit will be allocated to the account. If they fail to sign on for the services the electricity service will be disconnected.
Why should a deposit be allocated to your Utility bill?
Deposit stay with the property address and is credited towards the final billing. Any remaining credit can be refunded or transferred to any of your other Sol Plaatje accounts.
The deposit needs to be paid in full, before any services can be provided. Deposit are determined by the Council annually as part of the budget process. Different deposits may be charged according to the type and use of the property.
Why is a penalty fee charged on my account?
If your Municipal Account is owing and you have no arrangements in place with the Municipality, your electricity will be blocked /disconnected and a penalty fee will be charged on your account. Please contact our Credit Control Section to make the necessary arrangements for electricity to be reconnected. Please enter into an arrangement to avoid penalty fees.
How can I update my personal details and email address for monthly statements?
Please visit our web site www.solplaatje.org.za and scroll to the Resident column. Choose the Update your contact details on the dropdown list and follow the easy steps.